
Disclaimer: This website is no longer in use. I’m currently working on making a completely new site for my games. The work in progress site is available at https://pikakid98-games.github.io/

Pikakid98 & SonicboomColt Classics
The Story Of A Succubus Named Candice
The Computer
Pikakid98 (YouTuber) Fan Game Collection

Pure Trash Zone

These are the games that are either part of other collections or are so bad or unfinished that they’ve even been excluded from any and all collections.
Cave Of The Dead
The Legend Of Zelda: Sword Of Destiny
Pikakid98 Studios Game Gallery
Markiplier’s Mansion
8-Bit Markiplier
JackSepticEye: Into The System
Cave Of The Dead 2: Dimensional Disaster
Cave Of The Dead Remastered
PHE Adventures

Games Lost To Time

These games are either super old and were never backed up or I didn’t feel like they needed to be backed up. Either that or they were instantly scrapped. Please be aware that some of the games on this list may not be lost forever but I have no intentions of bringing them back. (The “x” means that the game is completely gone)
Poké Pals Runner   x
Unnamed Space Shooter (Starring Pix)   x
The House Of Ghouls And Traps (THOGAT)   x
Pikakid98’s Adventure
Cat Warfare Demake
Five Nights At Freddy’s: Purple Guy Origins
Overtale: Sans’ Adventure
Cave Of The Dead +   x
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