Cave Of The Dead 2: Dimesional Disaster

Origin: Cave Of The Dead 2: Dimesional Disaster was a planned sequel featuring a multiple worlds each based on the original game set an unknown amount of time in the future but was deemed unneeded and unwanted and was canned after the first area of world 2. The game also features a fake loading screen like in The Legend Of Zelda: Sword Of Destiny.. I have no idea why. The game also features a mechanic that I was so proud of back in the day and to this day am still pretty proud of. That being what I call "Key Balls" essentially just a metal ball that moves when you do as well as the "Death Balls" that move in the opposite way that you do and will kill you or destroy the key ball or even the locks. The music also had to be replaced due to a bug that deleted all of the files from the project.

Engine: Game Maker Studio

Plot: I don't even remember.

Known Bugs: 

• The music might be buggy so debug options were added (see debug.txt)
• Sometimes the skip option doesn’t work (mainly on the world map)
• Broken room after tutorial that seemingly can’t be fixed (Press CTRL)
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